pet photographer - pretty woman with kitten
dog photoshoot

Commercial Pet Photographer

With years of experience and a passion for pet photography, I specialize in creating captivating images that will make your pet brand truly stand out. Whether you’re a creative director, advertising agency, art director, or designer, I understand the importance of visually appealing and emotionally moving content that grabs attention. From adorable dogs to charming cats, I have the expertise to bring out the unique relationships and personalities of pets and their owners. Trust me with your commercial pet photography and videography.

The Art of Pet Photography in Advertising

How I Use Emotional Connections to Enhance Brand Stories:

  1. Universal Appeal of Pets: It goes without saying these days that pets more and more evoke positive emotions and make uncanny connections with their human. With the world becoming smaller with YouTube, TikTok and other social media, we as human are more privy to some quite spectacular human pet interactions.
  2. Storytelling with Authenticity: I learned long ago that any production needs to start with the story. If you do that most everything  takes care of itself. Telling the story of pets with their people no matter how young or old can. Through story boarding I try to show how my pet photography and videography services can reflect brand values such as care, companionship, humor and joy, and how these values resonate with customers on an emotional level. Pets can symbolize various lifestyles or aspirations, and how using pet photography can align a brand with the desired image or lifestyle of their target market.
  3. The Impact of Pets on Social Media Engagement:  We all see the viral videos of pets and other animals doing extraordinary things. Cats engaging dogs in both  friendly and hostile manners. Pets protecting children and families, but also just being great companions. Along with our many expert trainers, we can replicate many amazing moments or anything that your creativity can spin!
  4. Staying Authentic: We make every effort to replicate your vision before the shoot even begins. Our trainers will rehearse with all chosen animals until they have it nearly perfect.
  5. Behind-the-Scenes: Check out my amazing crew and me in action. As a commercial pet photographer, it is of the utmost importance to hire a great crew who know their tasks.
  6. Frequently Asked Questions We are often asked more questions about our pet productions more that any other production.